Trương Minh Huấn
New member
Activation of Chipless Firmware on Epson SC P807
Using a Windows PC or Virtual Machine
Has anyone used this process for an Epson SC P807? The directions to activate firmware include the following language: 'Buy Activation Key and Activate Chipless Firmware by using License.exe utility'. Since I can't run an .exe utility on a Mac, is there an alternative method to activate, or do I need to complete the process using a PC?
Response to Mac Compatibility
Good day. You need to either use PC or virtual machine with windows, we do not have Mac compatible version of license executable. Firmware installation package is also windows only, so you will need to do entire process from PC.
Running the Printer on a Mac
Once installed and activated using a PC, will the 'chipless' firmware allow the P807 printer to be run from a Mac? Yes, it will.
Using Bootcamp on Mac with Windows
I don't want to, but I will ugh... what if I run bootcamp and add the windows to my Mac and switch to the windows operating system for this purpose would that be sufficient? I haven't bought the software yet, I'm honestly still looking for printing solutions for sublimation creating and I'm just kind of deciding if it would be cheaper energy-wise, to just spend the extra hundred on an eco tank. But, yeah will windows on Mac via bootcamp work? It should work, first try to upload chipless firmware and buy the key only if it is uploaded according to the instructions (please, read the topic in my signature for nuances).
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