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Having difficulty activating license on Epson XP 241 printer
Issue Description
I am having trouble activating the license on my new Epson XP 241 printer made in India. The printer accepts the firmware normally, but when it comes to executing the license and entering the serial number, the progress bar only goes halfway and does not complete. No error message is displayed, and I have tried on 3 different computers.Resolution
I have resolved the issue, it worked successfully. I believe there was a server issue causing the activation process to stall.Note: This content is based on the original message: Estou com dificuldade em ativar a licença em impressora Epson XP 241 nova made in Tailândia, aceita o firmware normalmente, mas no momento de executar a licença e colocar o serial a barra vai até a metade e não conclui, e não manda nenhuma mensagem de erro, já testei em 3 computadores. Já resolvido..deu certo..acho que o servidor de vocês estava travado.
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