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Issues with Firmware Update on Epson P600
Troubleshooting the Firmware Update Mode
I try to come into the Firmware Update mode, but after 3-5 sec. nothing occurred. After around 10 sec the Inspection Mode is reachable. (see picture). What I made wrong. Or do you mean this mode?
Inspection Mode is not the right mode
Inspection Mode is wrong mode. Need Firmware Update mode - https://www.2manuals.com/product_info.php?cPath=107&products_id=1850 How did you reach service mode? Mine also is just going to inspection mode Epson p600 Anybody else on the forum ever got to inspection mode instead of service mode?? I cant figure out why You get in Inspection Mode if you hold buttons too long - 10 sec or more. For Program Update mode usually it needs 3 seconds.
Issue with Ink Cartridge Not Recognized Error
This is my case. I just received my new Epson p600 with CISS. I downloaded the printer driver and accidentally updated the firmware version. When I power on the button, it says ink not recognized. So I bought firmware key. The firmware was successfully installed to my printer. When I press the power on, the error message disappears. And I was happy. This is my problem now, when I started to do a printing job, the error ink cartridge not recognized came back. This happens only when the printer started to perform the printing. Please help me fix this. Thanks.
Troubleshooting and Solutions
- Open and close ink cartridges cap
- Use WIC utility
- Disable ink successful but on the screen program update not writable
If you can't make firmware downgrade by WIC utility - it means your printer has the newest Main board version. Epson made some changes in the new main board. The solution in this case is [here](http://www.2manuals.com/product_info.php?cPath=107&products_id=1850). Use Activation Keys and License.exe application for P600.
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